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In recognition of our commitment to community service, BATA FOUNDATION is proud to announce that it is a Certified organization in the President’s Volunteer Service Award Program (PVSA)
The Presidential Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) is a national award created by the White House to recognize the valuable contributions of the individuals, families, and groups who are committed and dedicated their time to do the volunteer service to the community. The PVSA is open to all ages, and the awards are based on the number of volunteer hours served over a 12-month period or over the course of a lifetime. The awards include a certificate, pin, and a congratulatory letter from the President of the United States.
A: Any U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident who completes a specific amount of volunteer service hours within a 12-month period or over a lifetime is eligible for the PVSA. This award is open to individuals of all ages, families, and groups.
A: Service required as a condition of probation, parole, or other court-ordered community service is ineligible for the award. Additionally, charitable support or donations are not considered for the PVSA.
A: The PVSA program offers Bronze, Silver, Gold, and the President's Lifetime Achievement Award. The required hours for each level vary based on age group.
A: Register for BATA Volunteering and submit your volunteer hours. We will verify your hours and nominate you for an award if you meet the qualifications. Our organization's 12-month policy runs from January 1st to December 31st each year.